She had waited all her life to meet Him. Him, the one they so often spoke about.
Always in hushed voices, with looks disapproving. Never in acclamation. with eyes pointed South.
She had known numerous love, but none like this. He was different, she would say.
They shook their heads and in she fell into the bottomless chasm
And Elizabeth was gone. Absent with nightfall.
Darkness stands handsome; a silent, consuming, misconstrued beauty.
I thank God for you every single day too.
These feelings and dreams i've been having lately are slowly tearing me apart from the inside. I've been pushing thoughts i had to the very back of my mind and it's nauseating to have them hurling towards me simultaneously. There is only so much i can do to keep myself from thinking. My throat is sore from the silent cries and my mind has been thoroughly exhausted from fighting with myself. Even though i know it's you, and not me.
Mind led body to the edge of the precipice.
They stared in desire at the naked abyss.
If you love me, said mind,
Take that step into silence.
If you love me, said body,
Turn and exist.

If they stop loving you, I won't stop loving you
If they stop needing you, I'll still need you my dear.
If you fall asleep down by the water, baby I'll carry you all the way home.
Hey baby,

I've missed you. It's probably untrue but it feels like i'm trying and you're not.
Why, am i not worth it anymore? :(

It's like i've lost you and i want you back.
    ''We sat down on the sand near the edge of the ocean. As the waves ebbed and flowed in front of us, an amazing thing happened. The edge of the water turned to blood. A dark red, foaming surf surged in front of us. It seemed as if the blood was filthy, and i asked, ''Why is the blood so dirty?''
    ''It is My blood, Choo Nam,'' He said. ''It has washed away all the sins of My children.''

(Bit taken from Heaven Is So Real! by Choo Thomas)